Video Direction

As creative director at Drexel Institutional Advancement, I oversaw the in-house video production. The following samples were produced in-house.

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Tailgate Hype Video

  • Role: Creative Director

Promotional video for Alumni tailgate party in Miami during an Eagles vs Dolphins game. I created the concept and storyboard, then art directed the animator and graphic designer.

Tailgate Hype Video

2019 Alumni Weekend

  • Role: Creative Director

Hype video for Drexel After Dark, the traditional party to wrap up Alumni Weekend, which took place at the Philadelphia. I facilitated the concept ideation, created the storyboard, and directed the shoot and the animation. In collaboration with digital marketing, we developed multiple applications to expand the impact of the video.

Original video, video adapted to square format, and GIFs
Animation of Mario the Dragon admiring art
Animation of Mario the Dragon having a martini
Animation of Mario the Dragon dancing
Animation of Mario the Dragon with a bow and arrow in front of the statue of Diana
Animation of Mario the Dragon dancing the moonwalk
Animation of Mario the Dragon dancing

2019 Alumni Awards

  • Role: Creative Director

Interview video highlighting the recipients of the Alumni Awards for Outstanding Students. Shared over YouTube and promoted via email. I collaborated with editorial to direct the video shoot and the editing.

Videos to celebrate the Outstanding Student Award

Turkey Project

  • Role: Creative Director, content editor

Videos to support the Turkey Project, an annual fundraiser to provide holiday meals to families in need. We interviewed alumni and community partners on the importance of the initiative and produced a video focusing on donors and one focusing on volunteers. We also produced takedowns to use on social.

Volunteer video, donor video, and three take downs

Work Samples